Massage Candle


Vela de Massagem Amazônica - Amazônia Hub


Candle Massage - What is it?

It is an American massage technique widely used in large beauty clinics and spas and known as "Melted Candle Massage": Massage with melted candles.

In massage with candles, a special emollient wax is used, prepared with essential and aromatic oils, which in its liquid state, under the action of heat, works as a creamy and warm massage oil.

In this technique, still hot melted candle wax is applied to the body and the massage is performed through smooth and delicate or deep superficial glides with the aim of providing relaxation and physical and mental well-being with the consequent reduction of stress. 


What kind of candles are used?

The massage uses special non-toxic cosmetic candles suitable for this purpose, formulated from emollient and nutritious substances that help in the process of relaxation and well-being, containing: vegetable butter, vanilla oil, cocoa oil, milk extract, butter shea oil, sweet almond oil, avocado, chamomile oil, argan oil, vanilla extract, palm kernel oil...

Is the massage painful or is there a risk of burns?
The massage is not painful and there is no problem with burns.

The wax at its melting point reaches temperatures of 39 to 40º, very close to body temperature, so that during the massage you feel a pleasant sensation on the skin and muscles. However, the therapist checks the temperature of the wax – creamy massage oil – before applying it to the client.


Does massage work like aromatherapy?
When melted, the candle wax releases the aroma of the essential oils present in its composition, in addition to the nutrients that treat the skin and promote a feeling of well-being.

The aromas released induce different sensations and therapeutic effects in the client, depending on the essential oils contained in the candles: energizing, emollient, relaxing, regenerating...


Benefits of Candle Massages
Relieves muscle tension, relieves pain, fatigue and muscle stiffness
Reduces cramps and restores muscle tone
Improves blood circulation
Reduces swelling that forms around injuries
Assists in the process of draining accumulated waste from the body
Helps loosen and clear mucus and bronchial secretions from the lungs, clearing the airways
Regulates intestinal functions
Relief in colds
Helps improve food digestion
Eliminates tiredness and allows you to quickly restore lost energy
Relax, relieving the symptoms of stress and daily tensions;
Relieves headaches
Helps and improves sleep by reducing insomnia
Reduces impatience and irritation
Hydrates the skin for about 15 days


Candle massage is indicated for stressed people, with symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches, and tensions.

Pregnant women can receive the massage after the third month of pregnancy and until almost delivery.

Massage with candles favors skin hydration for up to 15 days, preventing stretch marks, fighting skin dryness and sagging.

People with cancer, skin problems, varicose veins or serious illnesses should avoid any type of massage.

People with scars and recent skin injuries, inflammation or infectious diseases.