Oat and Honey soap
It is a soap made with the best ingredients, now you will know what benefits each ingredient promotes on your skin.

This handmade Oat and Honey soap contains two great components that together will bring great benefits to your skin.
In addition to containing Royal Oatmeal in fine flakes of glycerin extract, which is rich in silicon and acts on the collagen and elastin structure, contributing to tissue cell renewal and has antioxidant action, it also contains Raw Bee Honey, which acts by reducing the dryness, increase the emollience and hydration of your skin due to the sugars it contains in its natural composition.
Its continuous use will bring hydration and softness to your skin, which will make all the difference in your daily care.

Why is using honey on the skin so effective?

Come with us....
You might even ask us: Honey for the skin? So?
Yup. It works. Honey has been a component of Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and even Ayurvedic medicine for over thousands of years.

So what exactly does honey do for the skin? Or What kind of honey has the most skin care benefits?
Below we will list some reasons why you should choose to use our soaps that contain raw honey.

1. In addition to helping balance your skin's PH, it's full of anti-inflammatory ingredients;
2. Contains amino acids that help eliminate dead cells;
3. Honey cleanses toxins from the skin: I mean this literally, as the enzymes in raw honey absorb impurities from the skin's pores, leaving them clean, clear and clog-free;
4. Its Action on Acne: Combine the cleansing toxins and dead cell bits with the super potent antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties of honey and you'll understand why it's an excellent pimple buster;
5. Helps to soothe scars, increasing the skin's ability to heal and regenerate;
6. Honey is a powerful moisturizer: This amber substance is an excellent humectant (element that attracts moisture and retains it in the skin), which restores hydration and elasticity to the deeper layers of the skin.
7. Honey prevents environmental damage to the skin: Honey is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from environmental damage (think damage caused by the sun, smoke, pollution…!).
8. Honey keeps the skin smooth and soft: Honey contains methylglyoxal, an active ingredient that promotes collagen growth. Healthy collagen means healthy, firm, youthful-looking skin.
The raw honey we use in our products is organic and pesticide free, great for fighting redness, inflammation and skin infections.

   the oat flour
  It is useful for the well-being of your skin as it has a cleansing effect as it absorbs dirt. In addition, it prevents dehydration. It also has an exfoliating effect as it removes dead cells, so it controls acne and gives the skin a beautiful glow.